Swami Visnudas

Swami Visnudas

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Thrilling exercise for to welcome energy

1 comment:

yome said...

on 1.1.09
By Brian -
Start by counting to say 10, according to your capacity, shaking the whole body vigorously as if having a fit; really let go. Come to rest, standing at ease, and count the same number. Do this 5 to 10 times increasing the number over time as your capacity increases.
This is a highly energetic exercise, charging, toning the inter-muscular nerves, dislodging toxins and impurities to be metabolized out of the body.
In India, when a spirit enters the body of a person, it is usual for that person to shake vigorously before hand. This is because in so doing, all the blockages are cleared, making it easier for the person to embodying the spirit. In a similar way, thrilling makes us more receptive to higher levels of consciousness. n short it is a welcome to high spirits.
By Swamiji -
This thrilling (shaking) exercise is divided into three parts :-
Start with first part makes stamina till you are able to count 108 numbers at a strike at ease. When you are able to do nicely then shift to part two and again make stamina of 108 numbers at ease and then shift to third part and again next make stamina till you count 108 numbers at stroke. Go slowly and steadily, because one gets exhausted very quickly.
Advantages no need to tell. Because by practicing one comes to know on his own its physical & spiritual benefits by experience only, e.g. like blood circulation, blockages removal, purification take place, nervous system become strong, fell full energetic throughout the day, lungs purification etc.
This exercise like - as if before P.M. (VIP person) starts journey his way is cleared well defended, hindrances are removed. Same way before the energy (shakti) enters, her path is purified by thrilling, shaking or by jerks. In short, this exercise is preparation to welcome energy.
Please note that this thrilling exercise not good for B.P. or Heart patients.