Swami Visnudas

Swami Visnudas

Sunday, August 17, 2008


1 comment:

yome said...

on 1.1.09
Swami Vishnudas
Email : yomeyoga@gmail.com
blog : www.yomeyoga.blogspot.com
Cell : 9897733422

Since verbal science has no end, since life is short and obstacles impend let central facts be picked and firmly fixed by Just be meditation. As swan extracts the milk from water mixed.
Devine is attained by those who just sit, attain; those who stop, attain. The divine is not attained by running. It is attained by stopping.
Ashtavakra says, attain in ultimate ease.
Just sit sometimes. Find sometime to only sit, not doing anything. Zen monks have a meditation technique: Zazen. Zazen means just sitting, not doing a thing. It is very deep method of meditation. To call it a method is not right because there is no method; just sitting, not doing anything. Zen says the same as Ashtavakra is saying: sit down! Sit for a while and relax. Leave this turmoil for a while. Leave all ambition a little while. Leave the mind's around, leave its at race. Simply sit a while, and sink into yourself and do not sing any more.
A light will gradually begin spreading inside of you. Perhaps you won't see it at first, it is like returning home in the bright afternoon sun, Sit a little while, and the eyes will adjust, and the room becomes lit. Slowly, slowly light comes into the room. It is the same inside. You have been going out, going out for many lives, so it seems dark inside. The first time you go in nothing will be visible....nothing but darkness. Don't freak out. Sit...let the eyes get adjusted to the inside. The pupils of those eyes have been used to bright sun.
Have you ever thought: in the sun the pupil of the eye becomes small. If you look in a mirror after being in the sun the pupil will appear very small because so much sunlight cannot be taken in, it is more than enough, so the pupil contracts. Contracting is automatic. Then when you go into the dark the pupil has to expand, the pupil has to enlarge. After sitting in darkness for a while, again look in the mirror and you will find the pupil has become enlarged.
For the third eye, it happens exactly the same as with the outer eyes. To look outside the pupil should be small; to look within the pupil should be large. It has been a long and ancient practice. But to destroy that practice no new practice is needed-just go on sitting.
People ask, "What will we do sitting? Just give us 'Ram, Ram', some mantra to chant, we will repeat it- give us something to do." People say, "We want clutches, we want help." As soon as you practice, bondage starts. Just sit!
By sitting I don't mean sitting down you can remain standing, you can lie down also. Sitting means, Just be in any relaxable, comfortable position in which you feel at ease, don't do anything in the twenty-four hours, just spend some time in non-doing. Become free of action. God can be known only by actionless action, by effortless effort, by dedication, by meditation and by realisation. Remain empty. Let what is happening, happen. The world is flowing by, let it flow. It is moving, let it move. Sounds come, let them come. A train passed by, a plane flies over, there is some noise-let it be, you just be in a position. Don't concentrate-you just be, Samadhi will gradually start becoming strong inside of you. You will suddenly understand what Ashtavakra means- what it means to be free of practice and rituals.